Dangerous advices for statin treatment

November 2008

Another unsuccessful trial

First, you have probably heard about the new statin trial JUPITER. According to its authors their new super statin drug Crestor may soon eradicate cardiovascular disease.

Not so – we are again misled by industry-paid socalled researchers. Here is an excellent comments from one of our members Sandy Szwarc

Scary news.

According to the new guidelines for cholesterol lowering even children should be treated with statins. Fortunately a host of critical comments have appeared in various media. Here are two from Tara Parker-Pope, the wise medical reporter on New York Times:

8-Year-Olds on Statins? A New Plan Quickly Bites Back

…and one from Sandy Szwarc:

Is it for real? Cholesterol screening in toddlers and statins from elementary school age?

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