SBU: Tabell 1b
Tabell 1b. Symboler: se tabell 1a tC HDL LDL TG BT;systoliskt BT;diastoliskt vikt LC HC Diff LC HC Diff LC HC Diff LC HC Diff LC HC Diff LC HC diff LC HC diff Coulstonet al. 1987[6] 0 …
Tabell 1b. Symboler: se tabell 1a tC HDL LDL TG BT;systoliskt BT;diastoliskt vikt LC HC Diff LC HC Diff LC HC Diff LC HC Diff LC HC Diff LC HC diff LC HC diff Coulstonet al. 1987[6] 0 …
Inlämnat 15. februari 2010 Lågkolhydratkosten Historiken Om studiedesign, studiestorlek och uppföljningstid Experimenten Utfallen Analys av de enskilde parametrarna Kroppsvikt HbA1C Fasteglukos Fasteinsulin Systoliskt blodtryck Diastoliskt blodtryck Totalkolesterol HDL LDL TG Konklusioner Litteratur Tabell 1a Tabell 1b Schematisk sammanfattning av korttidstudierna …
September 2009 The statins are better than snake oil It is often said that statins are good for almost any human disease. The method used to ‘prove’ that is to compare people on statin treatment with untreated people. Most people …
March 2009 Why the bad things aren´t told Here are some cuttings from an article by New York Times reporter Duff Wilson: …In a first-year pharmacology class at Harvard Medical School, Matt Zerden grew wary as the professor promoted the …
November 2008 Another unsuccessful trial First, you have probably heard about the new statin trial JUPITER. According to its authors their new super statin drug Crestor may soon eradicate cardiovascular disease. Not so – we are again misled by industry-paid socalled researchers. …
April 2008 In this week´s issue of The New England Journal of Medicine the report from the unsuccesful ENHANCE trial was published, almost two years after it had been terminated. Not unexpectedly, at least for those who have been informed …
January 2008 Pfizer fraud Pfizers new cholesterol-lowering drug Torcetrapib was a failure; instead of lowering the risk of heart disease, it resulted in more heart attacks, although in addition to lowering LDL cholesterol, it also raised the “good” HDL. Now …
December 2006 Recently Heine and coworkers published a review in British Medical Journal about the treatment of type 2 diabetes without mentioning a word about the many succesful low-carbohydrate trials. The strong resistence against these trials is of course due …
October 2004 How to convert healthy people into patients You have probably heard about the new guidelines issued a few months ago by the National Institutes of Health and according to which “normal” cholesterolnow is considered to be far below …
Uffe Ravnskov MD, PhD, independent researcher Spokesman for THINCS, The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics A short edition of the above was sent to the editor of JAMA. Read his answer. If you lack the scientific evidence of something …
New cholesterol guidelines for converting healthy people into patients Read more »