Author: Uffe Ravnskov
Time to stop statin treatment!
January 2016 Do you know that on average statin treatment is unable to prolong your life by more than a few days. This was what Danish researchers found out after having analysed all statin trials, where the authors had recorded …
Answerer JAMA Letter # JLE10564
Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD Magle Stora Kyrkogata 9 S-22350 Lund, Sweden RE: Letter # JLE10564 Dear Dr. Ravnskov: Thank you for your recent letter to the editor. Unfortunately, in view of the many submissions we receive and our space limitations …
Human Anti-Glomerular-Basement Nephritis
Argument for the Classical Concept: Human Anti-Glomerular-Basement Nephritis In a special type of glomerulonephritis, the so-called anti-glomerular-basement-membrane (anti-GBM) nephritis, antibodies against the glomerular basement membranes (shortened GBM) are found in the blood of the patients during active periods of the …
An example of a letter sent with my name falsely given as sender: From: Uffe Ravnskov Mon Dec 1 13:19:28 2008 Return Path: <> Subject: Cholesterol Message: You really need to get a clue, you stinky buttholed woman. There have …
Terminology (If the index is not shown on your left hand side: click here) Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) A kidney disease characterized by acute onset, a decreased renal function and microscopic changes mainly located to the renal interstitium (edema and/or …
Letter to the Editor, British Journal of Nutrition (2012), 107, 455–457
British Journal of Nutrition (2012), 107, 455–457 Letter to the Editor No scientific support for linking dietary saturated fat to CHD (First published online 14 December 2011) Uffe Ravnskov, Magle Stora Kyrkogata 9. 22350 Lund, Sweden email David Diamond …
Letter to the Editor, British Journal of Nutrition (2012), 107, 455–457 Read more »
Prevention of atherosclerosis in children
Lancet 2000;355:69. Sir-Claudio Napoli and colleagues’ (Oct 9, p 1234)1 observation that children from hypercholesterolaemic mothers had more fatty streaks than children from normocholesterolaemic mothers is interesting, but their interpretation of the finding does not agree with present knowledge, or common sense. …